The on-line event took place on 16th December 2020 and was recorded. The whole event lasts about 90 minutes. Here the different sections of the talk can be separately seen
introduction to the 16.1.2020 on-line event (Sergio Casella)
(durata 3' 28'')
project's origin (Mauro Casalboni)
(durata 8' 10'')
european district at Brussels (Edoardo Guglielmetti)
(durata 7' 15'')
the idea of the exhibition (Sergio Casella)
(durata 2' 59'')
the vernissage on 22th October 2020 at Rome
(durata 1' 27'')
guided tour to the exposed pictures (Mauro Casalboni)
(durata 15' 01'')
the brochure of the project
(durata 2' 02'')
project Roma 3.0 (Carola Gatta, Silvia Giancola, Claudia Tombini)
(durata 20' 41'')
social implication of european istitution at Leopold district in Brussels (Edoardo Guglielmetti)
(durata 15' 31'')
project's perspectives and conclusion (Mauro Casalboni, Sergio Casella)
(durata 6' 17'')
Si ringrazia
ASA project per l'organizzazione generale
Stefania Petrosillo per la regia
Sergio Casella per la conduzione
Edoardo Guglielmetti
Carola Gatta
Silvia Giancola
Claudia Tombini
quanti sono intervenuti in diretta